AT&T Stadium
Mobilizing millions of fans at AT&T Stadium
AT&T came to Interbrand to elevate the fan experience at Dallas Cowboys Stadium. They wanted an immersive experience that brought to life AT&T vision of ‘Mobilizing A World That Works For People’. So, we used the power of the AT&T Network and social media to mobilize fans across the country and within the Stadium. I led the creative team that designed the AT&T presence across digital signage and displays, culminating in a mobile app that rallied Cowboy fans to ‘Unite The House’

Our team designed a custom logomark and visual system for the stadium that was as loud and energetic as the sports crowds. And we made sure that the AT&T Stadium and Dallas Cowboys brands aligned through the blue and white concentric patterns, circles and bold typography across the stadium LED displays.

Fan Experience Board
The AT&T Stadium App allowed users to engage with stadium signage by posting pictures, answering quizzes and promoting hashtags on social, all of which appeared in real time on the stadium signage.

Branded Media Moments
We developed a content strategy that displayed AT&T branded moments at predetermined times during the run of show. These moments were choreographed to engage different fan emotions and behaviors, like downloading the app or voting for their favorite player.
Unite This House
By activating the app’s ‘Unite This House’ function, fans could create rhythmic flashes from their mobile device. At key moments in the game when fans needed to be rallied, we would takeover all screens in the stadium to encourage fans to ‘Unite This House’.